This, that, these and those are demonstrative adjectives.
This is used to refer to a single person, thing or place that is close to the speaker.
This is my T-shirt

These is the plural form of this.
These are my T-shirts

That is used when the person, thing or place is more distant..
That is my T-shirt

Those is the plural form of that.
Those are my T-shirts

Es Your birthday is coming very soon. You need new clothes for the celebration. You and your friend decided to go shopping. Read the conversation and complete the ideas with that, this, these or those.
Tu cumpleaños será pronto. Necesitas ropa nueva para el festejo. Tu amigo y tú decidieron ir de compras. Lee la conversación y completa las ideas con that, this, these or those.
Gina: Andrew, I need some new clothes for my birthday. Please help me choose the best outfit.
Andrew: Of course Gina. You’ll look beautiful!
Es Below you have the pronunciation of that, this, these and those. Listen and repeat.
Abajo tienes la pronunciación de that, this, these y those. Escucha y repite.
This – singular
These – plural
That – singular
Those – plural

Es Listen to the following people talking about clothes. Then choose the photo that refers to each conversation.
Escucha las siguientes conversaciones sobre ropa. Después escoge la foto que se refiere a cada conversación.