Sometimes we use “this one” (singular) or “these ones” (plural) to indicate that we like, want, etcetera, one specific option. For example, imagine that you are in a clothing store and there are many different sweaters and your friend is trying to choose one, so he asks your opinion:
A: Which sweater do you like?
B: I like this one.

We don’t answer with “I like this sweater” because it is redundant. We don’t need to repeat the word “sweater” so we substitute “sweater” for the word “one”. Then, “I like this sweater” becomes: “I like this one”.
When we talk about near plural objects we use “These ones”. Look at the following example:
A: Which shoes do you want to buy?
B: I want to buy these ones, please (We substitute “shoes” for the word “ones”

We use “this one” (singular) and “these ones” (plural) when we are near the objects we refer to. When objects are far we use “that one” (singular) and “those ones” (plural). Study the following examples.
Which jacket do you want?
I want this one (near, singular)

Which jacket do you want?
I want that one (far, singular)

Which glasses do you like?
I like these ones (near, plural)

Which glasses do you like?
I like those ones (far, plural)
Es Complete the following conversations with “this one”/ “ that one” / “these ones” “those ones”. Images can help you decide which the right answers are.
Completa las siguientes conversaciones usando “this one”/ “ that one” / “these ones” “those ones”. Las imágenes pueden ayudarte a decidir cual es la respuesta correcta.