
When we ask for a person’s age we use the following questions:


How old are you?
I am 15 years old


How old is he?
He is 15 years old


How old is she?
She is 15 years old


How old are they?
They are 15 years old

As you can see, when we express age, we use verb to be (NOT the verb “have” as we do it in Spanish). Look at the following examples:

Tengo 15 años = I am 15 years old (correct)

I have 15 years old (Incorrect)

She is 15 years old (correct)

She has 15 years old (incorrect)

He is 15 years old (correct)

He has 15 years old (incorrect)

Drag and Drop exercise

Drag and drop the following words to form the corresponding questions. Correct answers will appear in green.

Arrastra las siguientes palabras para formar las preguntas que corresponda. Las respuestas correctas aparecerán en verde.

If you want to practice more, go to Keep on learning.

Writing exercise

Write questions for these answers.

Escribe preguntas para las siguientes respuestas.

How old is she?

I am 16 years old.

How old is she?

She is 80 years old.

How old is he?

He is 16 years old.

How old are they?

They are 10 years old.

Complete all the gaps to get feedback.