
Now, it’s important to know vocabulary about events to talk about the activities we can attend. These events could be cultural, sporting, school or other kind of events.

Listening practice

Click on each card and listen to the pronunciation.

Da clic en cada cuadro y escucha la pronunciación.


  • a classical play

  • a great concert

  • a summer festival

  • a carnival

  • a movie festival


  • a basketball match

  • a boring soccer match

  • a tennis match

  • an international marathon

  • a swimming competition


  • a science fair

  • an interesting lecture

  • a spelling contest

  • a chess competition

  • a graduation ceremony


  • a religious ceremony

  • a therapy session

  • a catwalk

  • an emotive wedding

  • a funeral

Listening practice Writing exercise

Listen to 3 short conversations, look at the chart above with examples of events and write on the line the one the people are talking about.

Escucha 3 conversaciones cortas, observa el recuadro con ejemplos de eventos que tienes arriba y escribe en los espacios proporcionados los eventos de los que se habla en cada conversación.

A classical play
A therapy session
A catwalk
Debes escribir tu respuesta para recibir retroalimentación.
Writing exercise

Look at the Stan Lee movie festival for this weekend in the poster, imagine a conversation between you and Mark. Listen and fill in the gaps with the missing information.

Observa el poster sobre el festival de cine en memoria a Stan Lee, imagina una conversación entre Mark y tú. Escucha la conversación y completa los espacios con la información que falta.


You: Hi, Mark! Is there an interesting event this weekend?

Mark: No, there isn´t

You: There are soccer matches on TV, but that’s boring!

Mark: Yeah!

You: Oh, wait! Look at that poster!

Mark: There are different activities here in the school.

You: That’s right. There´s a movie festival!

Mark: Yes, in the auditorium! Let’s go!

You: Ok, Let’s see!

Mark: Wow, There are Stan Lee movies all the weekend!

You: Deadpool, please!!!

Mark: Ok, it’s on Saturday at 7:00.

You: Is there another screening? Because I have to go to the dentist.

Mark: No, there isn’t .


Mark: Mmmm, yes. There’s one on Sunday at 9:00.

You: Let’s go on Saturday to watch Guardians of the galaxy and on Sunday to watch all the movies.

Mark: Ok!