Rooms of the house

Listening practice

Check the following vocabulary related to different types of houses. Hover over the image to hear the pronunciation.

Revisa el vocabulario relacionado con los diferentes tipos de casas. Pasa el cursor sobre la imagen para escuchar la pronunciación.

Rooms of the house

Second floor

Rooms of the house

First floor

Rooms of the house


Now let’s check that in a house there are different spaces where people do specific things. For example, in a studio you can do your homework, in a living room you can watch TV, in a kitchen you can cook and eat your favorite meal, etc. For this reason each room has different names.

Listening practice

Check the following vocabulary.

Revisa el vocabulario.

Drag and Drop exercise

Work on this jigsaw puzzle. Read and listen to the audio to discover the rooms that are missing. Put the rooms in the right space.

Arma este rompecabezas. Lee y escucha qué habitación va en cada espacio, coloca las habitaciones en el espacio correspondiente.

Dining room
Living room
Laundry room

You appear to be on Internet Explorer. IE doesn't support the 'text/html' type (only the 'text' and 'URL' types) so jQuery will be used to copy the dragged item instead of the API (instead of copying the HTML)

Writing exercise

For this activity, look at the following house and write the names of each room according to the number. Check your spelling.

Observa la imagen y escribe en la lista el nombre de cada habitación. Cuida tu ortografía.

attic bedroom
bathroom kitchen
dining room laundry room
living room basement
Rooms of the house
living room
Rooms of the house
Rooms of the house
dining room
Rooms of the house
laundry room
Rooms of the house
Rooms of the house
Rooms of the house
Rooms of the house
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