The plural –s is pronounced in three ways, /s/, /z/ and /iz/ depending on the previous sound.
Study the following rules:
/s/ | The plural is pronounced as /s/ when the words end in: -p as in lamp - lamps, mop - mops, soap - soaps -t as in cabinet - cabinets, toilet - toilets, tape - tapes -k as in book - books, sink -sinks, clock - clocks |
/z/ | The plural is pronounced as /z/ when the words end in: -v as in stove - stoves, microwave -microwaves, glove - gloves -r as in calendar - calendars, dresser - dressers, chair -chairs -d as in bed - beds, card - cards, whiteboard - whiteboards -m as in bathroom - bathrooms, album - albums, broom - brooms -n as in pen - pens, cushion - cushions, garbage can - garbage cans words ending in vowel sound as in studio - studios, key - keys, piano - pianos. |
/iz/ | The plural is pronounced as /iz/ when the words en in: -g as in cage - cages, bandage - bandages, sponge -sponges -ch as in coach - coaches, bench - benches, watch - watches -sh as in dish - dishes, brush - brushes -s as in glass - glasses, dress - dresses, bookcase - bookcases |
Listening practice
Es Now listen and check into the correct pronunciation sound. Then listen again and repeat.
Ahora escucha y da clic en la columna que indique la pronunciación correcta.
/s/ | /z/ | /iz/ | |
benches |
bandages |
curtains |
dressers |
sofas |
clocks |
faucets |
chairs |
bookcases |
mops |
It’s time to apply the rules! Practice what you’ve learned
Writing exercise
Es Read the following sentences and write the plural of the words in brackets. .
Lee y escucha las siguientes oraciones y escribe el plural de las palabras en la columna correcta de acuerdo a su sonido en plural (/s/, /z/, /iz/).
Listening practice
Es Listen to the audio and check your answers.
Escucha el audio y checa tus respuestas.
/s/ | /z/ | /iz/ |
flower pots | pillows | glasses |
desks | televisions | dishes |
carpets | bathrooms | appliances |
sinks |