The “ing” form (spelling)


When we use the Present Continuous to express actions happening at the moment, we normally write the main verb adding “-ing”. Take a look at the following tips to write properly the “-ing” form.

For most verbs, we add -ING:

  • ask ---- askING
  • go ---- goING

For verbs ending with a consonant + -E, we leave out -E when we add -ING:

  • hope --- hopING
  • take ---- takING

We keep a double EE before -ING:

  • see --- seeING
  • agree ---- agreeING

When a verb ends in -IE, it changes to -Y when we add -ING:

  • die ---- dYING
  • lie ---- lYING

If a verb ends with -Y, it does not change:

  • hurry ---- hurryING
  • study ---- studyING

When a one syllable verb follows the pattern consonant-vowel-consonant, we double the final consonant:

  • get ---- getTING
  • run ---- runNING

But when it finishes in -Y, -W or -X, it doesn’t change:

  • buy ---- buyING
  • sew ---- sewING
  • box ---- boxING

When the verb has two syllables and the final one is stressed, we double the last consonant:

  • begin ---- beginNING
  • prefer ---- preferRING
Writing Exercise

Write the correct -ing form for the following verbs. Place them in the right box.

wave put begin play write see sew run
watch flee admit listen tie die fly lay

Verbs + -ing

Ending -e + -ing

Ending -ee + ing

Ending -ie + ing

Ending -y + -ing

1 syllable CVC + -ing

1 syllable ending -y, -w, -x + -ing

2 syllable stressed in the final syllable CVC + -ing