What are teenagers doing in the 21st century?
❖ Being a Teen in the world today is very different to how it was 100, 50, or even 10 years ago. The evolutions of digital technology and the immense increase in population have resulted in the teens of today facing much more advanced problems and problems teens of the past would never have thought of. Social media has evolved so much over the centuries. On one hand it can be a powerful tool for both teens and adults alike, but on the other hand it can make a teen of today’s life very difficult. All the time we are hearing,” Watch what you put on the internet kids, because it will be there forever,” which has never been more true. More and more employers, universities and schools are looking at what people post and are tagged in to watch out for what people got up to as teens.
❖ Teenagers of today have an incredible amount of stress placed on them by their parents and their school. Teenagers are finding it difficult to manage the little time that they are given. We often hear parents reminiscing about the good old days of getting out of school and only having to come home at sundown to start their work, or older siblings talking about Saturdays of cartoons and spending entire weekends at friends’ houses. Unfortunately, teens of today get much less of that and rather we receive stressful deadlines and copious amounts of work that we drown in all the time, the only teens that seem to be on top of their work are ignoring work they hadn’t done yet.
❖ Being a teenager is not as bad as we think. Nowadays teenagers are doing their best to improve their skills and life. They are helping others and they are also creating new ways to have fun in a healthy way. They are a generation that is quickly breaking the thoughts of the past and learning to love each other for everything they are.