The most popular podcast on streaming

a guy looking trough a window of a bus

Do you like listening to podcasts? They are the most practical way to be informed about different topics at your convenience because you don’t need to stay up late, wake up early or be tuned at a certain time. You can listen to a podcast at any time of the day and in any place you want to, even on your way to school or job.

The following is a podcast about the most talented, but least known people in the world. Enjoy!

Listening + writing practice

Listen to the podcast again if necessary and then complete the chart with the missing information about each person. Some information is not mentioned in the podcast, so write “Not mentioned” like the example.

Steve Wozniak Peter Thiel Farrel Wu
Where are they from? Not mentioned Not mentioned The Philippines
Where did they study? Not mentioned Stanford University Not mentioned
Are they related to a famous character? Who? Yes, Steve Jobs Yes, Mark Zuckerberg. Not mentioned
Was any recognized company related to them? Which one? Yes, Apple. Yes, Paypal, LinkedIn, Airbnb. Not mentioned
Why are they considered the most talented in their area? He designed the Apple Macintosh I. He invests money on successful companies. He got a perfect score in the AMC.

Listen to the podcast again. The sentences below have mistakes, rewrite the sentences with the appropriate corrections.

  1. Farrell Wu is the most creative kid in Australia according to Business Insider. Farrell Wu is one of the smartest kid in the world according to Business Insider.
  2. Steve Wozniak has the most impressive school background from the three. Peter Thiel has the most impressive school background from the three.
  3. Jimy said he would like to be the most intelligent to invest money. Jimy said he would like to have half of the intelligence Thiel has to invest money.
  4. Nathalia said that the most expensive products Apple has are Mac computers and iPhones. Nathalia said that the most iconic products Apple has are Mac computers and Iphones.
  5. According to the program, Peter Thiel has the most cool companies from the three. According to the program, Peter Thiel has the coolest companies from the three.