General abilities

Everybody has different abilities, talents, skills. Some people have the ability to speak two languages or swim very well, others dance all kind of music, run a marathon or cook delicious food. Which are your abilities? Do you have any special talent? Study the following vocabulary to express abilities. Try to find the ability you have in the vocabulary below.

Listening practice
  • Swim very well

  • Speak five languages

  • Dance all kinds of music

  • Cook delicious food

  • Run a marathon

  • Play chess

  • Knit a sweater

  • Play a musical instrument

  • Paint very well

  • Draw very well

  • Drive a car

  • Skate on ice

  • Climb a mountain

  • Understand mathematics

  • Pass exams easily

  • Play bowling

  • Use a computer

  • Write a poem

  • Dive in the sea

  • Do magic tricks

Drag and drop exercise

Drag and drop the following vocabulary to complete the following conversations.

A: Wow! Look at Claudio! He’s a real artist!

B: Is he?

A: Sure, he
play the piano
write beautiful poems
draws very well

A: What’s that?

B: It’s my ball… I everyday! I don’t like showing off, but I can do it because I’m an expert!

understand mathematics
write beautiful poems
play bowling

A: I love my boyfriend! He’s very romantic! He can and gives me flowers!

B: Lucky you, there aren’t many like him!

understand mathematics
write beautiful poems
play the piano

A: I feel desperate. My Math teacher hates me! I can’t get anything about his class!

B: Of course he doesn’t and… listen! I like numbers, and I I can help you.

A: Well, then let’s study together!

understand mathematics
draws very well
play bowling

A: What do you do in your free time?

B: Well, you know I like music… I or listen to music.

A: Excellent! I’m sure you can play very well.

play the piano
draws very well
write beautiful poems

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This Memory Game is an optional activity. If you decide to work on that activity, you need to click on a card and then try to find a card that matches it.