Multiple intelligences
Human abilities are extremely varied. The following text will show you why some humans can do certain things that others can’t.
Read the text and decide if the following statements are True, False or Doesn´t say.
Some people can remember faces, but no names. Other people can’t remember phone numbers. Some people can write very well, but others can’t. Some people can learn things by movement, but they can’t learn just by hearing things. That doesn’t mean they are not intelligent. This is because humans have what scientists call “multiple intelligences”. They explain that human intelligence has different abilities. Some of these intelligences are: kinesthetic that involves movement. People are good at sports, dancing, acting and making things. Verbal that involves words and speech. People are good at reading, writing, telling stories and memorizing words. Mathematical that involves numbers. People can get cause and effect relationships easily. Musical that involves melody, rhythm and harmony. People can sing, play instruments or compose music. Visual spatial that involves the use of graphs, pictures, maps, etc. People can draw pictures in their heads. They usually enjoy solving puzzles.
True |
False |
Doesn’t say |
1. Different people are intelligent in different ways. |
2. People who can’t remember names have bad memory. |
3. Understanding music is one kind of intelligence. |
4. People who can’t write well are not intelligent. |
Complete the table with intelligences from the text.
The Robot can...
Listen to the conversation and choose the correct option for each statement.
1. The interviewed people are…
2. The interview is about…
3. The robot is ______ meters tall.
4. You can program the robot in …
5. The robot can help students…
6. The robot can´t replace the teacher because…
Different abilities
Humans have different abilities according to their age, education and preferences. Some of us can dance and some others can sing and dance. Some people can sing, but some others can’t. Some students can memorize things easily or they can write very fast.
Expressing abilities
Contrasting abilities
Joining positive abilities
Expressing optional abilities
B: I can make pizza or pasta. I took a cooking course last summer. A: What are your abilities for this job?
B:I can type very fast or if you need it I can design things on the computer too.
Look at the images below and write about each person’s or people’s abilities. Use the subject given and can or can’t. Use linkers AND, BUT, OR. Use the verbs in the box given per image and add a logical complement.
A baby
A mechanic
Angie’s grandparents
Listen the following situations and express abilities with CAN and CAN’T. Write them down. You can also record your voice on your cell phone and listen to yourself expressing abilities.