Is there / are there?

Objects in a room

Objets in a room
Objets in a room
Listening practice

Look at the pictures below about the different kinds of objects that each room in a house or department has.

Observa las siguientes imágenes relacionadas con los diferentes objetos que existen en cada habitación de una casa o departamento.

  • Living room
  • Dining room
  • Kitchen
  • Bathroom
  • Bedroom
  • Laundry room
  • Bookcase

  • Tray

  • Knife and Fork

  • Faucet

  • Blinds

  • Washing Machine

  • Love seat

  • Teapot

  • Cups

  • Tissue holder

  • Alarm clock

  • Dryer

  • Coffee table

  • Pitcher

  • Rolling pin

  • Toilet

  • Nightstand

  • Vacuum cleaner

  • Rug

  • Mug

  • Grater

  • Towel rack

  • Dresser

  • Mop

  • Vase

  • Salt shaker

  • Toaster

  • Hairdryer

  • Wardrobe

  • Broom

Is there / are there?

We use “there is” / “there are” to describe the existence of objects or places. In spanish it means “hay”.

Look at this comic and pay attention to the words in red.

There is / there are
There is / there are


We use “There is / there are” to describe the existence of objects in a place.

We use:

“There is” + a singular or uncountable noun. Example:

There is / there are
There is a bookshelf

Uncountable nouns do not have a plural form and they can’t be used with “a” or “an”. For example:


“There are” + plural nouns:

There is / there are
There are some cups


We use “there isn’t” for singular or uncountable objects.

We use “there aren’t” for plural objects.

We use the negative form to describe that an object doesn’t exist in a certain place.

Look at these examples.

There is / there are
In this kitchen there isn’t any television.
There is / there are
There aren’t any dishes in the living room

Questions in singular

Read the comic again and notice that we use “Is there … ? to ask questions about the existence of a place or an object. Notice we change the order of the words:

In affirmative we use: “There is…” But for Questions we use “Is there…?”


There is / there are
Is there any cutlery in the kitchen? (cutlery is uncountable)

Yes, there is some cutlery (There is + some + uncountable)

No, there isn’t any cutlery (There isn’t + any + uncountable)

There is / there are
Is there any vase in the kitchen? (“vase” is in singular)

Yes, there is a vase (There is + a + singular)

No, there isn’t any vase (There isn’t + any + singular)

There is / there are
Is there any loveseat in the living room? (“loveseat” is in singular)

Yes, there is a loveseat (There is + a + singular)

No, there isn’t any loveseat (There isn’t + any + singular)

Questions in plural

We invert the order of “there are”. Then, When we ask for the existence an object in plural, we use “Are there…?” Look at the examples:


There is / there are
Are there any rugs in the living room? (“rugs” is in plural)

Yes, there are some rugs (There are + some + plural)

No, there aren’t any rugs (There aren’t + any + plural)

There is / there are
Are there any pitchers in the kitchen? (“pitchers” is in plural)

Yes, there are some pitches (There are + some + plural)

No, there aren’t any pitches (There aren’t + any + plural)

There is / there are
Are there any toasters in the kitchen? (“toasters” is in plural)

Yes, there are some toasters (There are + some + plural)

No, there aren’t any toasters (There aren’t + any + plural)


In questions, we usually use “any” for…

Is there any furniture?
Is there any bathroom?
Are there any dishes?

In affirmatives, we use “some” for plurals or uncountables. We use a or an for singular.

There is some furniture
There are some bathrooms
There is a bathroom

In negatives, we use “any” for singular, plural and uncountables.

There isn’t any furniture
There isn’t any bathroom
There aren’t any bathrooms

OK, now let’s practice how to ask questions.

Writing exercise

Use the words in parenthesis to write questions with “Is there…?” “Are there…?”

Utiliza las palabras en paréntesis para escribir preguntas con “Is there…?” “Are there…?”

  1. Inside the house
    (fork) in the living room?
    Is there any fork
  2. Inside the house
    (alarm clock) in your bedroom?
    Is there any alarm clock
  3. Inside the house
    (cups) in this kitchen?
    Are there any cups
  4. Inside the house
    (cutlery) in the kitchen?
    Is there any cutlery
  5. Inside the house
    (books) in your bedroom?
    Are there any books
  6. Inside the house
    (roller) in your kitchen?
    Is there any roller
  7. Inside the house
    (towels) in your bathroom?
    Are there any towels
  8. Inside the house
    (blinds) in your home?
    Are there any blinds
Complete all the gaps to get feedback.
Writing exercise

Imagine you want to rent an apartment near CCH. This is a conversation between you and the owner. Complete the conversation with There is/There are in the correct form (Affirmative, negative or question form)

Imagina que vas a rentar un departamento cerca de CCH. Esta conversación es entre tú y él dueño. Completa la conversación con la forma correcta de There is /There are ya sea en afirmativo, negativo o pregunta.

Inside the house

A: Hello?

B: Hi! I’m interested in renting your apartment. But I have some questions.

A: Sure, what do you want to know?

B: Well, Is there any microwave in the kitchen?

A: No, there isn’t any. But there is a stove and an electronic oven.

B: Excellent… uh, are there any beds in the bedroom?

A: No, there aren’t. The bedroom is not furnished, sorry.

B: Well, that’s fine… What about the kitchen? Are there any dishes in the kitchen?

A: Yes, There are many dishes. You don’t have to worry about it.

B: Great! one final question. Is there a garage?

A: Sure! there is a big garage. It’s big enough to park a van!

B: That’s good news! May I visit the apartment now?

A: Sure! I’ll be waiting.