Means of transportation

To commute or travel, we use different means of transportation. Some of them are common in our city or country, but others can be a little different. What kind of transportation do you use to commute to school? or when you go on holidays, what transportation do you normally use?

Take a look at the vocabulary about means of transportation.

Listening practice

Land transportation

This type of transportation refers to the movement of people, animals, products, etc. from one location to another on land.

  • Car

  • Truck

  • SUV or sport utility vehicle

  • Taxi

  • bus

  • Bike or bicycle

  • Motorbike or motorcycle

  • Horse

  • Rickshaw

  • Skateboard

  • Train

  • Streetcar

In the case of the following means of transportation, it can go on land or underground and it is very common in Mexico city:

  • Subway

Air transportation

This type of transportation refers to the movement of people, animals, products, etc., from one location to another on air.

  • Airplane

  • Helicopter

  • Aerial tramway

  • Hot air balloon

  • Space shuttle

  • Blimp

Water transportation

This type of transportation refers to the movement of people, animals, products, etc., from one location to another on water.

  • Sailboat

  • Submarine

  • Ship

  • Yacht

  • Jet ski

  • Raft

Drag and drop exercise

Read the riddles about means of transportation and match each one with the correct picture. Good luck!

1. It is fast. It transports passengers from country to country on air. It is big and has two wings.
2. It doesn’t have wheels or wings. The wind moves it on water.
3. It is a means of transportation, but it also helps people to relax. It can participate in competitions.
4. It is a land transportation and many people can travel on it. It is slow and in some cities there are some for tourists.
5. It has a lot of wheels and wagons. It is long and in Mexico City, it is orange.
Writing exercise

Read the conversations and fill in the blanks with the correct means of transportation.

A: There is a lot of traffic today, I don’t want to drive.

B: I know! I think it is a good idea to ride a bike/bicycle to school.

A: Ok, and it is also good exercise.

A: Hello, dear. Guess what? I have a new SUV

B: Wow! Really? Is it the Toyota?

A: Exactly! It is for 9 people.

B: Congratulations!

A: Listen to the news, it is about Laika.

B: Who is Laika?

A: Laika was the first dog to go to space in a space shuttle

B: Oh, that’s exciting!

A: I like this city!

B: Yes, me too. San Francisco is beautiful. I want to travel by streetcar

A: What’s that? A train?

B: It is like a train, but it needs electricity and it goes on avenues and streets in the city.

A: I want to try an extreme sport.

B: Well, there are rapid rivers over there. People navigate using an inflated raft

A: That sounds extreme… Let’s go and see!