When people ask you how to get to any place you should give directions in a brief, clear and precise way so that people do not get lost. For this reason, first, you have to give all directions to get to that place and, at the end it is a good idea to give some references where the place is.
Look at the following expressions that will help you express how to get to any place:
Go straight ahead
(Siga derecho) -
Turn left
(Dé vuelta a la izquierda) -
Turn right
(Dé vuelta a la derecha) -
Go down the street
(Baje la calle) -
Go up the street
(Suba la calle) -
Cross the street
(Cruce la calle)
Listen to the following short dialogs. Then match them with the maps. Write the number in the box.
Dialog 1
Dialog 2
Dialog 3
Dialog 4
Dialog 5
The directions used in the previous exercise are in the imperative form. We use it when we give directions, orders or instructions.
For example:
Go straight Maple Street
(Siga derecho por la calle Maple) -
(Deténgase) -
Walk down
(Camine) -
Keep walking
(Siga caminando) -
Walk around 50 meters
(Camine 50 metros aproximadamente) -
Pass the bus station
(Pase la estación del autobús)
However, there are orders or directions that express that something is not permitted or that it is forbidden. In that case, we use these phrases: “Do not” or “Don’t”.
For example:
Don’t walk
(No camine) -
Don’t turn left
(No dar vuelta a la izquierda) -
Don’t turn right
(No dar vuelta a la derecha) -
Don’t cross the street
Don’t park here
Read the following dialogues and write an appropriate word in each space.