Personality is someone’s specific way of thinking, feeling and acting. Each person has his own special type of thinking that affects the way he or she perceives the outside events and individuals. People react or behave depending on the interpretation they have about others. Having a good personality is probably the most important factor to make a great first impression on the people around us.
People around you have different personalities and sometimes you need to give specific details when describing these people to others. The following information will help you to do it in the correct way.
What are we like?
We use adjectives to describe nouns. Let’s define what they are.
Adjectives are one of the four major word classes along with nouns, verbs and adverbs. They modify, describe and give more information about features and qualities of people, animals, places, situations and objects.

Nouns are the largest word class. They refer to people, places, animals, objects, events, substance or quality.
How to describe oneself and others by using: Adjective + noun
When an adjective is used with a noun, the usual order in English is adjective + noun:
- A red ball (Not: A ball red)
- A beautiful girl
- A tall boy
- An intelligent student
Es Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with an adjective + a noun. Use the words from the box. Click on to check your answers and listen to the pronunciation.
Mira las imágenes y completa los enunciados anotando un adjetivo y un sustantivo. Usa las palabras de la caja.
cow | worried |
woman | sad |
man | talented |
clown | dirty |
girl | tall |
movie director | smiling |
Es Some adjectives are used to describe someone’s character or personality. The following list shows common adjectives and their opposites. Click on to hear how they are pronounced.
Algunos adjetivos se usan para describir el carácter o la personalidad de alguien. La siguiente lista muestra adjetivos comunes y sus opuestos.
Es We know that everyone has his/ her own personality so this activity will help you to reflect about yours. Choose five adjectives from previous activities in this material that describe your own personality. Do not forget to use ADJECTIVE + NOUN when you describe yourself and others. For example: I am an intelligent girl. I am not a careful boy.
Write a short description about you. Include personality traits and emotions. You can form sentences such as: I am impatient and I am generous / I am an intelligent girl, but I am not careful.
Sabemos que cada quien tiene su propia personalidad, así que esta actividad te ayudará a reflexionar acerca de la tuya. Elige cinco adjetivos presentados en este material que mejor describan tu personalidad. No olvides usar ADJECTIVO + SUSTANTIVO cuando te describes a ti mismo y a otros. Por ejemplo: I am an intelligent girl. I am not a careful boy.
Escribe una descripción corta acerca de ti mismo, incluye aspectos de personalidad y emociones. Puedes formar enunciados como: Soy impaciente y soy generoso/ Soy una chica inteligente, pero no soy cuidadosa.
Es importante buscar otros adjetivos que no están incluidos en este material, de esta manera puedes ampliar tu vocabulario y practicar más.
It is important to look for other adjectives that are not included in this material by yourself, so you can increase your vocabulary and practice more.