Making plans


We use “BE GOING TO” to express our plans and intentions.

Listen to some examples:

My class is going to visit the Natural History Museum next month.
I’m not sure what I am going to do on Sunday, but on Saturday, I’m going to celebrate my friend’s birthday.

If we have a list of activities to do in the future, remember the words to sequence your plans:

first, then, second, later, after that, and finally

Listen to the example:

Welcome to this city tour. Today, we are going to see the most beautiful places. First, we are going to visit the city center. Then, we are going to stop at the oldest building in the city. After that, we are going to explore the new part of the city and finally we are going to try the local food at the most popular restaurant at the moment. Welcome to this fantastic tour.

When we interact and speak with another person to make plans, we sometimes need to open the conversation and ask and give suggestions. Check these useful phrases.

Phrases to open a conversation: they help you when you need to talk to a person.

Can I have a minute?
Can I have a word with you?
Do you have a second/ minute / sec / moment?
Can you give me a second/ minute / sec / moment?

Phrases to ask and give suggestions:: they help you to clarify your plans.

What about a movie on Sunday afternoon?
How about at 5pm?
Is Sunday ok for you?

At school

  1. Read the conversation, then press the play button on each of the prompts.
  2. Complete the dialog with an appropriate response from your own idea, then record it making click on the blue button.
  3. Compare your audio and your answers with the sample.
students at the school

Emma: Hey, Can I have a minute? We need to work on our final project. Are you free tomorrow afternoon?

You: (say no, and suggest another day)

I’m sorry. I need to see the dentist. What about Saturday?

Emma: It’s ok. I’m free. Do you prefer to work in the morning or afternoon?

You: (list your plans for the morning and mention a convenient time in the afternoon)

First, I need to walk the dog and then I am going to help with house chores. Is 1pm ok for you?

Emma: Mmm. What about one hour later?

You: (say yes, and decide the place where you are going to meet)

Perfect! Is the public library a good place to meet?

Emma: That's ok. Are we going to need a laptop? What are we going to do?

You: (say yes and list what you are going to do: find an article, translate it to Spanish, prepare a presentation. Use the sequencing like first, then, later, after that and finally.)

Yeah, we are going to need a laptop. First, we are going to find an article, then we are going to translate it into Spanish, and Finally, we are going to prepare a presentation.

Emma: That’s a lot of work. Ok, see you there.

You: (make a final comment and say goodbye.)

See you. Take care.
Compare your audio and your answers with the sample.

At work

Let's do the same but now in a work scenario. Imagine it’s Friday and you are about to go home, but you need to talk to your boss.

  1. Read the conversation, then press the play button on each of the prompts.
  2. Complete the dialog with an appropriate response from your own idea, then record it making click on the blue button.
  3. Compare your audio and your answers with the sample.
students at the school

You: (ask for a moment to your boss, Mrs. Suarez)

Mrs. Suarez, do you have a moment?

Mrs. Suarez: Sure, come in.

You: (ask for next week plan)

Mrs. Suarez: What is the plan for next week?

Mrs. Suarez: I’m happy you asked. First, we are going to finish the reports on Monday. Second, we are going to make the presentations on Tuesday. After that, I am going to travel to Texas and you are going to be in charge of the office. Finally, we are going to check the agenda for next month.

You: (Ask your boss about sending the reports on Thursday afternoon)

Are we going to send the reports on Thursday afternoon?

Mrs. Suarez: Oh the reports! Yes, you are going to send those emails. I am going to be busy because I am going to fly to Texas. Thanks for the reminder. And, that’s all, go home. Have a nice weekend. Do you have any plans?

You: (tell your plans and for the weekend and ask for her plans)

I am going to clean my house, and later I am going to have dinner with my sister. And you?

Mrs. Suarez: I am going to attend the Opera tomorrow night and I’m going to rest on Sunday. Let’s go, it’s getting late. See you on Monday.

You: (finish the conversation)

Goodbye. Have a nice weekend.
Compare your audio and your answers with the sample.

Take this test to check your speaking performance, remember that you need to include all of these aspects in your conversations.

Speaking performance test Yes No

I used expressions to open a conversation.

I expressed my plans using “Be going to”

I used phrases to ask and give suggestions.

I sequenced my plans and used phrases like first, then, later, after that and finally.

I connected my ideas with phrases like: and, but, also.

😁 If you got 5 "yes" answers, you are awesome!

🤨 If you got 3 or 4 “yes”, you need to practice a little bit more.

😔 If you got 1 or 2 “yes” , check again the contents in this material.