
Look at the following examples. How do we say countries and nationalities in English?

  • He is
  • She is
  • I am
  • You are
  • They are
  • We are
  • It is
+ nationality
  • He is
  • She is
  • I am
  • You are
  • They are
  • We are
  • It is
from + country
Listening and writing exercise

Es Listen to the audios and complete the sentences.

Escucha los siguientes audios y completa las oraciones.

Complete all the gaps to get feedback.

1. The nationality of someone from Turkey is


2. The nationality of someone from Denmark is


3. The nationality of someone from United Kingdom is


4. The nationality of someone from Egypt is


5. The nationality of someone from Poland is


6. The nationality of someone from Ireland is


7. The nationality of someone from Scotland is


8. The nationality of someone from Brazil is


Es Listen to the conversation and fill the gaps with the missing information.

Escucha la siguiente conversación y completa la información faltante.


Zoe: Sammy, look at our Friends! We are all from different countries!

Sammy: Where are you from, Zoe?

Zoe: I´m from London in

so I’m English! What about you? Where are you from?

Sammy: I´m not English! I´m from New Delhi, in India. I´m Indian.

Sammy: Where is Fiona from, Zoe?

Zoe: She is from Cape Town, in South Africa, She is South African.

Sammy: Do you know where he comes from?

Zoe: Tommy is from Toronto, in Canada. He is Canadian!

Sammy: Oh! And don´t forget there´s also Fábio. He is a new student from Lisbon, Portugal. He is Portuguese.

Zoe: Our class is so cool!

Cultural Clip

English is the official language of the sky! It doesn’t matter which country they are from, all pilots speak in English on international flights.

The terms United Kingdom, Great Britain and England are often confused. Great Britain comprises England, Wales, and Scotland. The United Kingdom also includes Northern Ireland.