Put it all together

Drag and drop exercise

Look at the words in blue in the two parts of the text. Then, match the words to the correct icons. Remember that the context can help us understand a word. Correct answers will be in green and the wrong ones in red.



flight attendant
flight ticket
heart broken
Select exercise

Choose the correct time expression to complete the text. Correct answers will be in green and the wrong ones in red. Correct answers will be in green and the wrong ones in red.

Summer holidays

Summer holidays

The first time Isael visited Mexico in 1992, he was only 3 years old. His father, Luis, had immigrated to the USA in 1985 where he met Nancy, his mother. Isael was born, his parents thought they wanted him to be bilingual and speak perfect Spanish, not only English, so they decided that their son had to visit Mexico and practice.

, Isael started visiting Mexico during the summer with his dad, but , when he turned 6 years old, his parents thought he could travel alone with the help of a flight attendant. Isael liked to visit his grandmother and cousins in Mexico, so he accepted. The afternoon his grandmother and uncles welcomed Isael in Mexico City, he was extremely happy. However, six hours , when his parents took him to the airport he was scared and he wanted to cry, but he didn’t.

Isael flew many summers by himself to Mexico City. In the summer of 1999 Isael spent most of his time playing in a Mexican park near his grandmother’s block. There, he found a little abandoned dog. playing with the puppy for a few hours, he took it to his grandmother’s house.

Listening + Writing exercise

Now listen and complete the second part of the story with the correct word.

His grandmother didn’t like the idea of having a dog, but she accepted thinking that after some hours they could say goodbye to the puppy. But she was wrong, Isael had no intention to abandon the dog again. Later that day, the boy called his parents and told them about his new pet. His parents were also very happy with the news. So, they checked what was necessary to take the puppy to the USA, but the flight ticket, vaccines, and requirements were too many and too expensive. Finally, Isael could not take the little dog with him at the end of the summer


it was too complicated. The day Isael left he was so angry and heartbroken that he promised not to come back to Mexico again.

Once the boy left Mexico, his grandmother decided to keep the puppy and she had the vet get him vaccines and sterilization. When Isael found out that the dog was at his grandma’s home, he worked and saved money. Fortunately, the next summer he could visit Mexico again and took his puppy to the USA.

Writing exercise

Read the answers and write the questions.

  1. When was Isael born?

    He was born in 1989.

  2. What was his mother’s name?

    Her name was Nancy.

  3. Why did Isael start to travel to Mexico?

    Because his parents wanted him to be bilingual.

  4. How old was he when he first traveled alone?

    He was 6 years old.

  5. Where did he find the puppy?

    He found it in a park.

  6. Why didn’t he take the puppy to the USA?

    Because it was very expensive.

Reading + Listening practice

Read and listen to the complete story again and order the events in chronological order (1-8).

Summer holidays

Luis and Nancy wanted Isael to be bilingual 4
The puppy traveled to the USA 8
Isael was born 3
Luis arrived in the USA 1
Isael was scared and wanted to cry 6
Isael traveled with his dad to Mexico 5
Luis and Nancy met 2
Isael’s found a little dog in a park 7

Pets statistics

  • There are 18 million dogs in Mexico.
  • According to INEGI 70% of these dogs live on the streets.
  • Mexico is the country with the highest number of abandoned dogs in Latin America.
  • Adopt your pets, there are a lot of animals who need a house.

Self evaluation

Read the sentences and see if you need more practice or not.

Self evaluation Self evaluation Self evaluation
I am an expert NOW in this topic! I think I need to practice a bit more. I am starting to believe I need to start over again.

I can understand the use of there was, there wasn’t, there were, there weren’t, was born, and wasn’t born when describing events in the past.
Practice using the keep on learning exercise.

I can easily understand the chronological order of events in the past and represent them in a timeline.
Well done!

I can clearly understand in a written text the chronological order of events in the past.
Great job!

I can doubtlessly organize my ideas and write a short paragraph sequencing events in chronological order.