What’s the difference between novella and novel?
A novella is a fictional prose and it is shorter than a novel.
Novellas contain fewer characters, themes and conflicts than a novel. An example is “The Little Prince” by Saint-Exupery.
The novel is a long narrative in prose, it contains more than 200 pages. It has more characters and themes than a novella. The plot of the novel is more complex than the plot of the novella.
Read the following text about one of the most classic novellas by Robert Louis Stevenson. Select the best option. Correct answers will be in green and the wrong ones in red.

Based in: http://www.uobabylon.edu.iq/eprints/publication_10_21876_1383.pdf
After reading the text about Stevenson’s gothic novella, match the beginning of the idea in column 1 with the corresponding ending in column 2. There is an extra option.