What did you say?

What did you say?

When we chat or talk to someone it is important to pronounce correctly and communicate our ideas clearly to send the right message. Now, it’s time to identify some words in each dialog.

Listening and writing exercise

Listen to each dialog and write the missing word.

  • Conversation

    Miles: Hey Kim, how was your trip to Oregon?

    Kim: Oh Miles, it was amazing! , I went to Crater Lake. Next, I visited...

  • Conversation

    Camila: I know that Karen and Pancho were dating!

    Tere: Yeah, not anymore.

    Camila: Really? Why they break up?

    Tere: Pancho hit her several times.

  • Conversation

    Iggy: Do you remember Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat?

    Hugo: Sure! I played those games when I a teenager.

  • Conversation

    Megan: What you do last weekend?

    Patrick: Nothing special. My mom asked me to clean the entire house. , I took a nap because I was exhausted.

  • Conversation

    Miles: What did you do walking across the Painted Hills?

    Kim: I took pictures of the beautiful landscapes.

  • Conversation

    Rodrigo: you in the Literature class yesterday? I was sick.

    Alex: No, I , but I know the teacher talked about how to write an essay.