From Myths into movies and bedtime stories

Do you know any adapted stories from myths into movies?

There are lots of myths that have been adapted into movies or innocent bedtime stories for kids.

One of the best examples is “The little Mermaid”. Do you know the movie? Do you know the myth or the tale by Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen?

In this section you will be able to create your own story in an audio or Podcast. You can adapt a legend or a myth you know and make it more fun or creepier.

Look at the chart to know the myth of the Mermaid and its adaptation. Focus on the connectors used to tell a story.


Sirens and Mermaids


These creatures are often mistaken. Even though they are described as beautiful and magical, they have different features. People used to believe that capturing them would grant you a wish or a magical item. In Greek mythology, a Siren is a creature half bird and half woman who lured sailors to destruction by the sweetness of her song. On the other hand, Mermaids are usually described as peaceful, non-violent half-fish, half-human creatures that try to live their lives away from human interference.


Written story

“The Little Mermaid”

Famous tale by Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen:


Adaptation The Little Mermaid

To begin with, the story is about a teenage mermaid princess called Ariel. This little mermaid was so captivated by the world upon the surface that she escaped from the house at every chance she had, to learn more and more about humans. One day she saw a ship sinking in the ocean and swam as fast as she could to save the people from the sinking. She could save the human prince who was traveling on the ship. She took him to the shore and when she saw him, she fell in love.

In addition to her love for the prince, her desire to live on after death by becoming human and acquiring an immortal soul, led the Little Mermaid to seek help from the Sea Witch who was an evil and cheat witch. She gave Ariel a pair of legs to look more human, but there was an evil treat behind it. Ariel had to exchange her beautiful voice to get that pair of legs. The magic was not complete, the Sea Witch told her that she could only gain an immortal soul if she won the prince's true love. Ariel accepted the threat and went to the surface to look for the prince.

To sum up, Prince Erick met Ariel, but she did not tell him about her love because she could not speak. At the beginning it was difficult to make the prince fall in love with her, because the Sea Witch was cheating all the time. She did not want Ariel to get her beautiful voice back, not even her human soul. After lots of difficulties, Erick realized that Ariel was his true love and married her. The Sea Witch was killed and the king of the sea, mermaids, and humans were happy at the end of the story.

Record exercise Discord share

Listen to the example of an adaptation of the legend 'The Red Thread.' Imagine yourself as a narrator, creating your own version of the same legend, and record yourself telling the story. You can use the recording button , or if you want to enhance your skills, try the suggested apps below. Once you have your audio file, upload and share it on our Discord channel, where you can listen to and comment on your classmates' recordings. Also, don't forget to subscribe to the Portal Academico's official Discord 😀.

Share your recorder file here

Alternative: suggested apps to record your voice:


The Red thread

The red thread is... 🔊
red thread

... a beautiful myth from Japan. The basis of this legend is that, thanks to the Gods, everyone’s little finger is tied to an invisible red string that will lead him or her to another person to which the other end is tied and with whom they have an important story. This is true to all people, regardless of time, place, or circumstance.

My adaptation

To begin with... 🔊
red thread

... there was an old man who lived in the moon and came out every night to search among kin spirits to reunite them on Earth, who had something to learn from each other, this man could spend many years looking or them, and when he found them he tied a red thread to them so they found their paths.
In addition... 🔊
red thread

... to this special person, the old man tied by the red thread, other people’s threads crossed the same one, the lines touched and sometimes became tangled, for a while. but the end of the string was always there attached to that one person who was waiting for you to reach it.
To sum up... 🔊
red thread

... the legend was about finding the right person for you. People believed that you could spend short periods of time with different partners while that special person was waiting for you. Then after several good and bad experiences you could meet and live a happy life because it was your destiny, marked by that red string.

Once you record your story, choose the statements in the following checklist to verify you accomplish the requirements for telling a story.

I can make my own version from a legend.

I included past tense in my story.

I included connectors TO BEGIN WITH, IN ADDITION, and TO SUM UP in my story.

The events in my story are well organized and have a logical order.

My pronunciation is acceptable and clear.