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23. Lafon Delphin, Célestin Freinet ou la revolutión par l’école, http://delphine.lafon.free.fr/Freinet/
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25. “Life’s Timeline”, en: iMovie, Springfield Public Scools District 186, Sprinfield, Illinois, http://www.springfield.k12.il.us/movie/timelinedescript.html
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30. Miller David, “We Didn’t Start the Fire Rubric”, en: New York State Academy for Teaching and Learning, Resources for Teachers, Social Studies, Learning Experiences, Sewanhaka Central School District, New Hyde Park Memorial High School, http://www.nysatl.nysed.gov/SocStudies/fire/
31. “Oral Presentation”, en: Connecting California's Classrooms to the World, Schools of California Online Resources for Education, http://score.rims.k12.ca.us/activity/
32. “Oral Presentation Rubric”, en: Prentice Hall School, http://www.phschool.com/professional_development/assessment/
33. “Performance Assessment Tasks”, en: Instructional Intranet. Chicago Public Schools, http://intranet.cps.k12.il.us/Assessments/Ideas_and_Rubrics/Assessment_Tasks/
34. “Photography”, en: Electronic Portfolio Assessment Menu, Bethel High School, Spanaway, Washington, http://www.mashell.com/%7eparr5/techno/menu.html
35. “Plan de Ayala”, en: World Policy Institute: México, http://www.worldpolicy.org/globalrights/mexico/1911-zapata.html
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41. Regents Exam Prep Center. U.S. History & Government, Oswego City School District N.Y., http://regentsprep.org/Regents/ushisgov/ushisgov.cfm
42. Sciortino Michael Anton, Classical Music MIDI Page, Música de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791):
http://www.sciortino.net/music/, 1996-2002
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44. “Selecting Tasks for Performance Assessments”, en: Instructional Intranet. Chicago Public Schools, http://intranet.cps.k12.il.us/Assessments/Ideas_and_Rubrics/Assessment_Tasks/
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47. “Thematic Essay Question”, en: Regents Examination Preparation Center, Oswego City School District, N.Y., http://regentsprep.org/Regents/ushisgov/essays/thematic/constitutionchange801/
48. “Time Line Rubric”, en: Prentice Hall School, http://www.phschool.com/professional_development/assessment/rub_time_line.cfm
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50. Wolken Leslie, “Frederick Douglass Timeline rubric”, en: 8th Grade English-Language Arts, Jamestown School Home Page, Rhode Island, http://www.jamestownri.com/school/
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53. “Ventitres puntos dados por José María Morelos para la Constitución el 14 de septiembre de 1813, en: World Policy Institute: México, http://www.worldpolicy.org/globalrights/
